LAND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTThis land acknowledgement is in recognition of the Indigenous peoples who have inhabited and cared for this land before us for thousands of years. The nations I want to mention in this acknowledgement are: the Anishinabek, Huron-Wendat, Haudensaunee, Ojibway-Chippewa, Metis and The Mississaugas of The Credit.
I would like to show honour for the sun, the sky, the water and the earth and its core, which also deserve recognition and respect as necessary elements for our lives here.
The great tree of peace is important for all of us to join together in unity, as we are all connected, not only by its roots, but in many subtle ways. And may we show our gratefulness to have the opportunity to work, play and live on this land, by giving our greatest respect to its first inhabitants. CHI MIIGWECH